Conceptual & Screen UI/UX Design Services

Croyten offers state of the art UI/UX design services for enterprises and small-to-medium sized business. We create a conceptual design that supports the business goals, creates a high quality user experience and is technically feasible. We design from the user’s perspective and create detailed screen wireframes that show navigation and information presentation. As wireframes are completed we then implement with our team and/or your development team.

Expert Reviews

Do you already has a web site and want to know how to improve it? We conduct expert reviews, we study the site and evaluate it as designers and usability specialists. We identify the problems and suggest remedies.

Web Community Design

Are you looking to create a web community for your customers or your internal users? We work with your users to analyze the business goals and design a community using latest tools as blogs, wikis and discussion boards. We will also create and manage content if desired.

Persona Development

Do you like to better understand your users? We develop user personas. Personas are fictional characters, developed by studying representative users. They are powerful tools for communication, design and marketing. We use skilled interviewers and mine the data we obtain to create rich and accurate personas.

Remote Usability Testing

Do you like to find out how well your users interact with your current website or evaluate a design in progress? We perform remote usability testing. Moreover, we connect with the users, individually, via web conferencing and ask them to perform common tasks on the site. We observe and record their interactions while creating an audio of their thoughts and comments. Then we summarize.

If you would like to learn how Croyten can help you in your digital transformation, get in touch with us now!